Meet Our Team of Dedicated Staff

Jeremiah Catlin "Chappy" 

President/ Founder

COTV Editor/ Producer, Outdoor Game Dinner/ Expo Speaker, Videographer - Bowhunter TV, COTV

Active Duty Army Chaplain

It is estimated that there are more than 2.9 million wounded, ill, and injured servicemen/women living in the United States today. Many of these have endured recent deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan. There is medical evidence that now documents the importance of outdoor activities in the healing and recovery process...activities that include hunting and fishing. These wounded veterans sacrificed for us and carry a burden that our events have proven to help alleviate time and again. They need this time away. They sacrificed...they served...and now we should serve them. 

Chappy saw this need when he was medically evacuated from Iraq in November 2007. Due to his own ailments placing him within the wounded warrior unit at Walter Reed, he witnessed the need for this program, firsthand. Knowing that they needed a therapeutic retreat from their medical lifestyles, Chappy found himself returning to his roots. He decided to take them hunting and fishing. The first event in 2008 was a bass tournament for over 60 veterans with multiple hunts following within the year. By 2012, the program had already supported over 750 veterans and was growing nationwide. Therefore, in that same year Chappy's Outdoors incorporated in the state of North Carolina and acquired its approval for tax exemption as a non-profit, 501c3 ministry. Events now serve more than 100 veterans annually through Chappy's Outdoors. Now in 2020, we can claim we have sent veterans to 26 different states, hunting 16 different species. We have sent veterans on 12 different fishing tournaments or trips chasing 18 different species of fish. It is our pleasure to say we've sent over 1500 veterans on these trips thanks to our partnerships and the efforts of our staff. We're proud to say that our partnerships with Churches and Patriotic communities continue to give back to these veterans in ways they've always dreamed of offering. We take the time to carefully craft every event to ensure community involvement and create friendships and memories that last forever.

It is clear in the outdoor community that most organizations want to show their support for our  veterans by hosting them on similar trips. Other organizations offer less follow-through on making these events a life-changing experience for our veterans.

Why can't they accomplish this? - It's simple. Their focus is limited to what they "must" accomplish to sustain their "business" approach to their outdoor organizations. We don't have such restrictions governing how our program operates. All our Staff are volunteers receiving no pay for this program. Therefore, over 90% of your financial support goes straight to the veterans. See...we've removed the financial burden of running this as a business. Simply put, we have no desires to profit off of the program...we simply want to serve as many of these heroes as possible. 

Why is our program different? - We offer hope, encouragement, and a new life through Christ, proven to sustain these veterans and build resiliency in a more lasting manner. We maintain contact with our veterans beyond these events. We've served these heroes even as they face crisis, hardships, and blessings years after the event they attended. It's not only about the trip for us. It is a passion to change one more life with these outdoor sports and the God we love!!!

Click on an image to contact us by email

Ryan Clark

Executive Officer

Franklin County Chapter of Chappy's Outdoors, Coordinator for Fishing and Turkey Events, Videographer - COTV 

Specialist, U.S. Army Veteran

Alan Gilly

Plans/ Operations

Alaska Chapter of Chappy's Outdoors, Videographer - COTV 

1st Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired

Richie Condon

Vice President

Delmarva Chapter of Chappy's Outdoors, Marketing Team, Videographer - World Class Hunting, COTV 

Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Retired

J.P. Albert

Southeast Regional Director

Marketing Lead, Franklin County  Chapter of Chappy's Outdoors

U.S. Army, Retired

Who We Are

Our History

Our Mission

The mission of Chappy's Outdoors is to conduct hunting and fishing trips for our nation's wounded veterans in order to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through

proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

Future goals include: 

- Top more than 500 veterans supported in a single calendar year

- Partner with Church ministries and Chapters in every state of the U.S. to better support our veterans

- Secure a permanent retreat or ranch location to host more veterans annually 

How You Can Help

You can partner with us to change the lives of our wounded veterans. As they say, money makes the world go around, therefore, our greatest area of need is for financial support. The average cost for a veteran to attend one of our events is between $500-$750 to cover out-of-state licensing, food, lodging, travel, and any necessary gear. Some hunts can cost several thousand in flights to take a veteran on their "dream moose or elk hunt," for example. With this in mind, here's the areas we'd like to invite you to partner with us to impact these heroes: 

- Financially support the program with a one-time donation or regular support (Click Here)

- Host an outdoor event for veterans through your Church or other program (Click Here)

- Host Chappy as a guest speaker for your Sportsman's Game Dinner - these events often raise lots of

  funds for the program while creating partnerships for veteran events! (Click Here)

- Start a local Chapter of Chappy's Outdoors and impact your community's heroes (Click Here)

- Donate products to support our veterans or to support the TV program (Click Here)

- Offer your talents to serve within the organization - limited staff positions available (Click Here)

Click on one of these titles to read more about the

Chappy's Outdoors program and how YOU too can make a difference in the lives of our veterans!

Start a Chapter

Local chapters of Chappy's Outdoors are definitely the most active and effective method to reach more of our wounded veterans than our National Program ever thought possible. Through our local chapters, we have seen entire communities, Church Men's Ministries, Pastors, area farmers, land owners, charter boat captains, and fishermen/women have an opportunity to patriotically give back with their gifts as outdoorsmen/women. As a Chapter of Chappy's Outdoors, you will represent not only our National Program on a local level, but you will also represent the "ministry" side of this program as an ambassador of our Lord. Therefore, it is vitally important that you read our Statement of Faith and our expectations for Chapters listed here:

- Read Statement of Faith

- Conduct devotions or messages at your events

- We want you to consider using the Chappy's Outdoors' name, logo, and the awareness/ supporters that it will bring to your local Chapter. As with any program falling under a national organization, we simply ask that you strongly consider supporting the national organization's efforts on your behalf.

- Start with one of our staff supporting your first event. We have a database of more than 650 veterans awaiting trips...RIGHT NOW! So, we can supply plenty of veterans for your Chapter's events. We encourage most to begin with 2-4 veterans for their first event. 

- We will coach you on how to build community awareness, support, and partner with local Church ministries for individuals to provide special meals for your veterans and more! No need to re-create the wheel, we can help you start a Chapter and host a successful hunting or fishing event NOW!

- Meet with our senior staff to discuss official Chapter status with the program once you are ready. 

To get started on the planning and programming for your first event, please email Chappy (Click Here)

Contact Us

You can contact us by mail at the address below

or by clicking on one of the staff member photos above to send an email

(return to that section by Clicking Here)

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